Work is not just about money for me. There are certain aspects that are especially important to ensure I enjoy what I do
It’s important for me to see the results of my work in the near future, so I know my efforts are not in vain. I have a scientific background, but in science, the results of your research may not be seen for 100 years—or perhaps not at all. That’s why I decided to change my career path
I don’t work with questionable website themes because I love my work and take pride in the websites I’ve created.
A product always has users. It’s important to me that my clients feel comfortable working with me, and that their clients have a smooth experience using the site. I make sure the design responds to both needs
I won’t write to you on the weekend because I’ll be focusing on my hobbies, spending time with my family, or walking my dog in the park. That’s how I rest, so I can give my best during the workweek
I love learning new things, and this applies not only to design. That’s why I read books, attend courses, and study information online. All of this broadens my horizons